haven’t posted in a while..

A collection of things have happened:

  • a neighborhood social post gave me the motivation needed to clean up my apartment, which was (and to an extent still is) cluttered
  • I’ve reached a milestone at my job where retirement is both possible and improbable
  • Like many others, I face a barrage of new normals, most of which tend to be worse than the preceding normals


No moment is wasted.

Now is not always.

Thought I’d be farther along than I am now.
I see people ahead of me who once were alongside me.
The alternate timelines play out in my head, strengthened by hindsight.


No moment is wasted.

Now is not always.

I once had long term plans, now nothing
Hammered down by a culture of all-encompassing oblivious inattention
where ADHD is the new Tetragrammaton.


No moment is wasted.

Now is not always.

I’m tired of it all right now
I can’t see things improving
I can’t see how this ends


No moment is wasted.

Now is not always.